Gary Johnson self-destructs on Bob Wenzel's show:
My few thoughts on this topic:
“Education, in turn,
has two vital aspects: calling people’s attention to the existence of such a
system, and converting people to the libertarian system. If our movement
consisted only of slogans, publicity, and other attention-getting devices, then
we might be heard by many people, but it would soon be discovered that we had
nothing to say—and so the hearing would be fitful and ephemeral. “ - Rothbard, Murray. For a new liberty. 373-374.
I believe what happened in this interview was exactly what
Rothbard warned in the above citation. The Libertarian Party again went for the
name recognition instead of the substance when nominating the candidate. I had
my reservations towards Mr. Johnson long before he announced his run for the
Libertarian ticket, and he definitely wasn’t my first choice on the convention
ballot (mine was Bill Still). But he’s the nominee now, and personally, I think
it was better for him to self-destruct during Wenzel’s show, then in the
general debates against “the others”. He went in front of the toughest audience
of all, and the outcome will hopefully make him read, at least the platform of
the Libertarian Party, if not some basic works of Rothbard, Mises, etc.
Libertarianism was here before, and will be here long after
Mr. Johnson. It survives because libertarians are both very well educated in
libertarian theory, and willing to engage in public policies through
Libertarian Party. Only the mixture of those will guarantee an outcome
different than two current ruling parties. I hope Mr. Johnson and every
libertarian understands this. I hope we continue debating and bringing our “radical”
views to the general public. In doing so, we must ensure that each one of us IS
the standard bearer of the libertarian banner. It is a tough task, but knowing
many libertarians, I’m also convinced that we’re the only ones who could live
up such standards.
In Liberty!