Thursday, December 26, 2013

Libertarian Push for Mainstream

            In order to foster libertarian activism in the upcoming elections and beyond, I am proposing and opening for discussion the plan outlined in this text. Some parts of the plan do not apply directly to activism, but rather to activist's education, which will help us articulate and defend our position once the activism has finally given us the opportunity and audience we can speak to.

The Reason

            The political dialogue in the United States has unfortunately devolved into 30 seconds sound bites, tested by the public opinion groups, for candidates of ruling parties to deliver in the format that can hardly be called a debate. But the solid debate and contrasting of libertarian positions against the two dominant parties is exactly what's necessary for libertarians as whole, and Libertarian Party in particular, to reclaim their rightful place in the American politics and participate in crafting the policies that will shape the future for the generations to come. This change cannot, and will not happen from the top up. No matter how appealing the thought of libertarian candidate or someone in likes of Ron Paul, winning the presidency really is, we have to be realistic and admit that the establishment, with all the laws they have crafted for the past few decades, will not allow that to happen. The change will come from the bottom up. It will come from the local politics. It will come when we've reached enough people locally and enacted policies that others can use as their guide. It will come when we prove again that liberty and human interaction, without the coercion of state, produce once more the marvels of human creativity. I hope this renaissance of liberty starts in Tampa Bay, Florida.
            The two-party duopoly that's currently draining the life and money out of the general public has been established to give American people an illusion that they have some kind of a choice and check over their rulers. The byproduct of decades of ever-expanding state has been the loss of interest of the general public for the governmental affairs and civic duties. I suspect this is also by design of professional bureaucrats that have dominated the political discourse for the long time. Libertarians must account for this loss of interest, and sometimes flat-out apathy of the general public when engaging in any discussion. The first rule of writing and public speaking is to always be mindful of your audience. If you lose your audience, the efforts to persuade them will fail, regardless of how sound your argument is, and regardless of how much your position would benefit them if implemented.  Winning the audience and tailoring the message of liberty depending on who's listening will be a big part of the program that I am proposing here.

The Plan

            Now that I went over the reasons for the plan and obstacles we will face putting it out there, I want to go over some high-level specific action items we will need to discuss and implement. As any serious proposal, this plan will focus on actions that will affect several key areas; public outreach, education, and the local political engagement, being the three most important ones.

Public Engagement
            Even the worst plans, the plans and programs that work directly against the public, put out by the establishment parties find their support in the public due to the outreach and engagement of establishment tentacles that never rest. To be successful in spreading the message of liberty, we must never rest either. Several prominent areas we need to focus on are local newspapers, websites, and television stations. Even though the national issues are a lot more dominant on the cable channels, local issues, presented in the true light, are still very important to the members of our Tampa Bay community. To put the message out to our local media, I present the following:
1.                  Tampa Bay Libertarians should monitor the current local events, and send carefully crafted letters to the editors of the local newspapers regarding all local events. Letters include, but are not limited to Tampa Bay Times, Tampa Tribune,, and other prominent local news outlets. The letters must be concise, and present the real alternative to the typical Republican/Democrat approach.
2.                  Tampa Bay has many locally operated radio stations. Libertarians should engage in a thoughtful discussion on current issues using this medium. I do not expect to reach the likes of Rush Limbaugh or reverend Glenn Beck with our message since they are too far gone, but the local programs would be a fertile ground for our platform and public outreach.
3.                  Tampa Bay has many voluntary events that libertarians can participate in under the party banner. Events such as public hearings and political gatherings can be used to spread the message of liberty to the audience.
4.                  Libertarians need a dedicated public relations team in charge of publishing the timely, official statements regarding current events to all local news outlets. These statements should be used to give the public an alternative to the official, two-party endorsed opinions.

Libertarian Education

            All the public outreach is futile if the message expressed by it is not clearly defined. The danger we must avoid is to allow our message to be blurred and equated with the message of current two-party duopoly. On each occasion, we must present the clear alternative to both ruling parties and refuse to side ourselves with either of them. Comparing ourselves to the republican or democrat party would be comparing the same as comparing us to theocratic Iran and communist China. Our liberal philosophy is what has created the United States to begin with, and we must continue to emphasize the best of the libertarian thinking in each public engagement. To enable this, we must foster the education on theory and application of libertarian principles to the current society. It would be a shame if the public finally heard us just to realize that we have really nothing to say to separate us from the establishment. Round tables and friendly discussions in person on history, ethics, and applications to current problems must once again be resurrected. Resources-rich websites, such as should be a regular stop for any libertarian interested in learning any aspect of libertarianism.
            To accommodate different types of learning styles, a YouTube channel should be established to provide video lessons, local problems discussions, and official statements to the liberty lovers across the internet. Due to the recession and lack of funds, I understand this may not be doable at the moment, but the Tampa Bay Libertarians should have a local office open to all, that serves as the center of all our activity. Having the office would allow us to call public meetings and invite participants from all over the state of Florida and beyond to guest speak and be a part of the solution. The libertarian movement has factions across the United States and the world. In order to achieve the coherent message and have a lasting impact on the current affairs, the movement factions must link and participate in the open and honest discussion. Tampa Bay Libertarians must be definitive in their commitment to open dialogue and participation of all groups, even if the platform of some group differs slightly from the platform of libertarians.

Tampa Bay Concrete Political Plan

             Finally, we need to show that libertarian principles are not just pie-in-the-sky utopian babbling, and present the concrete plan of moving Tampa Bay and its counties forward.  Libertarian will not find a better friend and ally for this than math. The power of real numbers and the power to relate those numbers to each citizen will serve as the perfect ground to stand against the establishment tendency to use make believe numbers and unicorn projections. What we need to do is obtain the actual budget of each respective county we're looking at, and then reveal the waste with real numbers. After the waste has been revealed, it needs to be related to the amount of taxes and fees each citizen pays in order to allow it. This waste is particularly prevalent in the areas of police and sheriff departments, the departments that the establishment now tends to call “first responders” in order to elevate their existence and function to something essential and noble. Together we need to show them that the first responders to any event are the people closest to it: the community that's affected by the event. Unlike police and sheriff deputies, whose best interests do not often align with the interest of the community, we are the ones that will directly be affected by the outcome of any affair that takes place within our community. We must not be afraid or hesitant to point out the many shortcomings and abuses of power that come from the “first-responders”.
             We must not be afraid to point out the liberty is the end goal, and not some optimal condition for other goals, irrespective of what the situation on the ground is. With that goal as the guiding light, we will conquer all obstacles that come our way. We will endure the shortcomings of the current system, all the while paving the road for the better, and the more logical one. We will demonstrate once more to the world what it means to be an American, having the highest ideals of human liberty, as well as the centuries of liberal philosophy to help us, and serve the individuals in achieving whatever goal, they themselves, as individuals, set out for to achieve. And in you, Tampa Bay Libertarians, who decided to forgo the established system despite the personal gain associated with it, I see the force of future, and know that I couldn't have hoped for better companions to help me on this journey.

In Liberty,
Vedran Delic